Many companies focus on customer engagement. They plan to maximize investment for the improvement in customer experience.
The customer experience becomes a backbone for any business with their online presence, whether the business is brand new or has been there over many years. It is the reason why big companies are going for the usability testing to overcome the problems and improve their website, products and services.
Companies use user feedback for maximizing engagement, improving content strategies with insights their users provided. They use the results of usability testing to make the conversion rate 2 times more.
Website Design agency in Kolkata provides the best services in website designing and usability testing. They help you to get the proper knowledge about how users will respond to your website/product.
Step by step guidance for usability testing
In this guide, you are provided with the step-by-step guidance that you need to know about usability testing for your website.
• Determine which part of the website/product you want to test
Do you have some particular important questions that are always in your mind like how your users will able to interact with specific parts of the design? Do you wonder what action users will take when they visit on your product page? Collect the information about your website/product’s pros, cons and areas to be improved. Therefore, you can create solid metrics for your website study.
• Choose tasks of your study
Your participant’s tasks should be the common goals of your users when they are going to interact with the website/product like purchasing.
• Set a level
Once you got to know what to test and how to test, make sure that you have a clear criterion to conclude success for each of the tasks.
• Create a study plan and script
In the initial phase of your script, you should mention the purpose of the study. You should record the questions to understand about the participants, current information of the website/product, some background on the website/product and their tasks. To make your study strong, scientific, consistent and accurate, moderators have to follow the same script in each user session.
• Assign Roles
At the time of usability study, the moderator should remain neutral and guide the participants properly through the tasks while following the script. Whoever in your team is best at keeping neutral, not involving into social pressure and making participants feel comfortable and making them accomplish the tasks should be your moderator.
Making notes during the study is also very essential. If there is not recorded documentation, then you can’t withdraw any perception that will prove/disprove your study. The most attentive participant should be the note taker at the time of usability study.
• Find participants
Selecting and recruiting the right participants is one of the difficult parts in usability testing. Some experts suggested that only five participants are enough during each study. However, your participants have to resemble your actual user base. Recruiting colleagues from other departments who will use the website/product is also an option.
• Conduct the study
You should select the best Web Design Company in Kolkata to conduct the study of usability testing to let you know pros and cons of your website design. During the study, you should suggest your participants accomplish one task at a time without any guidance. You need to see how much time it takes users to explore or figure out the interface. It is an effective strategy to think out load for participants.
Once they completed the task, ask the feedback such as their expectations for what kind of information they want to see, what changes they want in the website/products or if they like to recommend the product to someone and so on. This important data can figure out the more pros and cons of your website design.
• Examine the data
There are many best web Design Company in Kolkata that helps you to analyze the data after study for usability testing. You would gather a lot of information after the study. Analyze your collected data that helps you determine many problems and provide design recommendations to the team.
When you examine the information, you must ensure to pay attentive to user’s performance and their expectations about the product. It is not possible for a participant to achieve your goal quickly.
• Report findings
After extracting perception from the data, report the main points and prepare the next steps to improve the design of your website/product and the improvements you expect during the next phase of testing.
The result of Usability test affects the design of the products/website. Real potential uses would help to measure the important information about your product. You will come to know about the user behaviour towards your products, potential difficulties and how to solve them.
Web Design Company in India involves in usability test will let you know whether your customers are happy and satisfied with your website/product. You are able to get an idea of if your website is meeting its goals or not. It will let you understand how to design better for your website or product to offer a positive user experience.
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