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VUE.JS Training In Kolkata



Vue.js is an open source and specially designed framework for producing interactive web interfaces. It is mostly concerned with view layer of client-side development and is also in huge demand for simplification of web development. The peculiarity of this framework is its ability to integrate with complex projects in easier manner.Vue.js was developed by Evan You, former employee of World’s largest search Engine, Google. Its latest version Vue 3 has been released officially on SEP,2020. Many large scale enterprises such as Behance, Adobe  and GitHub has started using Vue.js as tool for front end development.


  • VIRTUAL DOM- It refers to the replica of real DOM which is the document for writing structures, styles and content. It is written in JavaScript structure and whatever mutations are to be required in term of workflows and functionalities are initially represented on virtual DOM and then matched with the original DOM so user can view the updated changes in the display. This results in faster delivery in terms of optimisation.
  • COMPUTED PROPERTIES-Whenever certain modifications are required in UI elements, so this unique feature helps in listening and simultaneously doing the necessary calculations thereby reducing the hassle of coding.
  • DATA BINDING- This feature of vue.js helps in assigning the values of HTML and modifications in style with the help of v-bind, the binding directive.
  • EVENT HANDLING-To attend the events of Vue.js, a special attribute v-on is added to the DOM elements.
  • ANIMATIONS/TRANSITIONS- Vue.js add special effects to the HTML values to create transitions and make the interface more attractive and worthwhile. Animations are wrapped around core elements to present interactive effect and enhance visuals to the web interface. Third party libraries are also introduced and can be customised easily.
  • TEMPLATES- The HTML template binds with virtual DOM using render functions of Vue.js. All you need to do is to just replace the template with render functions with sample data of Vue.js.
  • WATCHERS- In Vue.js , watchers are primarily responsible for document the changes as in the case of form input elements. This does not need any additional events drastically reducing the need to unnecessary coding thus making it faster.
  • DIRECTIVES- To illustrate actions on client side development there are various directives such as v-else-if,v-on,v-model etc.
  • NAVIGATION- V-router is another attribute of Vue.js which helps in glided navigation between the web pages.
  • COMMAND LINE INTERFACE-Using the Vue CLI, this framework can be installed at the text interface which in turn helps in creating large scale projects conveniently and easily.
  • LIGHTWEIGHT- The JavaScript of Vue.js is very compact which makes it easier model to efficient high performance functioning.

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