web design training kolkata one page design new trend website design arena

One page website design has become fashion now days where user does not have to do many clicks to navigate the website. All the information that one needs can be found on the same page without refreshing the page.

When to use one page design

If you have less information or if there is portfolio website then one page website is the best option for you. This is very good for those who wants to make the website interactive and you do not want your user to wait for the pages to load each time he click on the link. You can learn all these techniques at Acesoftech Academy which provides web design course in Kolkata

One page design advantages

The main advantage of the one page website is that all the information the user requires can be found at a single page. One does not have to wait for each page he clicks to load. Also another advantage is that the page can be made interactive using Jquery and css3.

For this one needs to download jquery and include into your website. Using that you can make the website very interactive. The menu works as bookmark and if clicked on the menu it takes you to the details section where the related content is.

There are several websites where you can download readymade Jqurey and DIV/CSS ready website and you can modify it and use it.

One page design dis-advantage

Main dis-advantage of using one page website is loading time. And second most important disadvantage is its not SEO-Friendly.

Since all the content is resides in the same page so the data becomes heady to load. All the images are also on the same page thats why it becomes heavy to load. If your website does not load properly then you may lose your visitors.

Where to learn one page design

Acesoftech Academy is a leading web design training institute in Kolkata which provides professional web design course in Kolkata. And this one page web design is also included into the course.